Culinary pleasure and warmth: these are priorities in North Macedonia. The country is at the top of the Balkans! Plan your trip with our list of the top 7 attractions in North Macedonia. Admire Europe’s oldest lake, hike through a gorge or explore three countries: discover the best sights What to see in North Macedonia.

1. Scope

About a quarter of the entire population lives in the largest city of North Macedonia. Seems like a lot, doesn’t it? However, Skopje is manageable and anything but exciting. The landmark of the city is the 15th century stone bridge. You can take a look at Skopje’s history at Kale Castle. You can easily reach the city walls on foot. After climbing to the top, you will also enjoy a great view of Skopje.

2. Ohrid

  • Location in the south of North Macedonia

Here you will experience the country first hand. Ohrid is one of the few cities where predominantly Macedonian families still live. The central part is Lake Ohrid, which stretches across the Albanian border. This natural jewel is the oldest lake in Europe and has crystal clear waters. On the hill where the church of St. John Kaneo is located, a beautiful view of Ohrid and the expanse of Lake Ohrid awaits you.

3. Sveti Naum Monastery

  • Location 30 km south of Ohrid

Lake Ohrid, the city of Ohrid and Sveti Naum are a trio of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The monastery complex is located in the extreme north of Macedonia and is one of the country’s most popular attractions. The interior of the cross-domed church is decorated with frescoes. Peacocks freely moving around it add a special atmosphere to the complex. Behind Sveti Naum you can also take a small circular walk.

4. Galitsitsa National Park

  • Location between Ohrid and Sveti Naum.

A view of Lake Ohrid from a height also offers a national park near Ohrid. Galichitsa mountains are a great place for hiking and climbing lovers. The highest mountain is Magaro, whose height is 2255 meters. A view of the top 3 countries is waiting for you! By the way, you can reach Galichitsa National Park through one, somewhat inconspicuous road, north of Sveti Naum. Your active day begins in a small parking lot.

5. Matka Canyon

  • Location west of Skopje

After a day in the capital city of Skopje, do you feel like being in nature? At 15 kilometers you can visit a particularly relaxing corner of North Macedonia. With an extension of 5000 hectares, the Matka valley has a depth of up to 35 meters. You can explore the area on foot or take a boat or kayak. There is a walking path along the valley with a constant view of the water. By the way, this natural wonder is home to many species of butterflies.

6. Galichnik, mountain village

Let’s continue more nature. In the west of the country is Mavrovo National Park, the largest of the three national parks in North Macedonia. The surface of the park is 731 square kilometers, where the lake of the same name is located. The highest peak is Korab, at about 2760 meters. Hiking, biking, skiing: what do you like to do the most? In Mavrovo National Park is Galichnik, one of the oldest and largest mountain villages. The traditional architecture is particularly impressive. The mountain town even has its own amphitheater.

7. Jablanica mountains

  • Location on the border of North Macedonia and Albania

A huge mountain range stretches across North Macedonia and Albania. The Jablanica range is rich in small mountain lakes, and the third view from the height is over Lake Ohrid. In the center of the mountain massif is the highest mountain – Black Stone. The area is also known for its unusual animal species. Have you ever heard of the garlic toad? It is also home to the Balkan lynx, which is a particularly endangered species.