When you hear about Italy, the first thing that comes to mind is gelato, pizza and pasta, right? However, you will realize that Bella Italia is not just about food when you see the beautiful scenery, lakes and beaches. Few people know that Italy also has many volcanoes. in my article Volcanoes in Italy I will tell you all about the natural phenomenon.


Mount Vesuvius is the most famous volcano in Italy, followed by Mount Etna in Sicily. Located in the Bay of Naples, it majestically dominates the urban landscape of Naples. The next largest city, Naples, is only 9 km from the volcano. It’s enough to make you feel a little dizzy.

Vesuvius became famous after its eruption in 79 AD and the disappearance of the city of Pompeii. The last eruption occurred in 1944. Since then there have been only minor aftershocks, none of which have been worrisome. Long periods of calm are very characteristic of Vesuvius, which is why experts warn of new eruptions.

You can also see Vesuvius up close and climb up to the crater. However, I advise you not to take white shoes, because they will not be white again after the walk.


On the beautiful island of Sicily you will meet Mount Etna with 4 craters. It reaches an amazing height of 3,350 meters and is therefore almost 2,000 meters higher than Mount Vesuvius. Another notable difference with Vesuvius is its activity. After Kilauea in Hawaii, Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

Recently, in early June 2019, it erupted for the last time and will continue to erupt in the future. Spectacular ash clouds and lava flows have been produced, but no one is in danger. Ash emissions continued into July, but residents were spared another eruption.

Despite the terrible activity of Etna, excursions into the craters are offered. Athletes can climb to the top via a steep trail. Jeeps and cable car are also available for everyone. Pay special attention to where you run, as many ladies, who are supposed to bring even more luck, grace the paths.


Stromboli is an Italian island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the west coast of Calabria and is also the name of a volcano found there. Stromboli, like Etna, is still active and erupts again and again. Only on 07.03.2019, two strong explosions were recorded in the sky with smoke clouds up to 2 meters high.

The holiday season eruption caught many islanders by surprise. After the eruption, many fires broke out in Ginostra, which were extinguished only a day later. Unfortunately, an Italian who was preparing to hike the crater died.

Although sometimes volcanoes seem so peaceful, you should not take risks and avoid climbing them. Volcanoes can be fascinating even from a distance.

Camp Flegrei

In my article on Italian volcanoes, Campi Flegrei is certainly not to be missed. In Spanish, the volcano is called Campos Flegreos, located in Campania with the highest volcanic risk in the world. With a total of 40 separate volcanoes, they make up the world’s rocks.

Flegrei fields are classified as supervolcano, which means that when they erupt, they leave huge crater calderas in the ground. According to new research, the supervolcano will be more active and erupt more frequently than previously thought.

Unfortunately, Naples is also very close to Campi Flegrei. In the event of a possible eruption, the Italian city could be severely affected.


The name of the next volcano in Italy already suggests that it is a volcano. Vulcano is located on the island of the same name, Vulcano, in the Lipari Islands archipelago. The island mainly consists of a volcano that rises 391 meters above sea level.

It continues to bubble through the cracks in the sea, and gases and sulfur rise to the surface through fissures in the crater. The volcano is still active today and is being monitored to quickly predict a possible eruption. The last major eruption occurred in 1888, sending incandescent lava into the air, igniting sulfur and sending people fleeing.

As with Stromboli, you should carefully consider whether you want to visit a volcano if it is at high risk of eruption.

Well, I guess now you know that Italy is not always a bed of roses. Volcanoes are sometimes unpredictable and extremely dangerous if their next eruption cannot be predicted. That being said, the places to see in Italy are certainly worth the trip. Just watch Italy’s active volcanoes from a safe distance and refrain from hiking into the crater unless you want to put yourself in danger.