Stonehenge is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and is popular for its mystery and history. Located in Wiltshire, England, this prehistoric monument is a hub of archaeological wonderment and attracts millions of visitors every year. From its mighty stones to the surrounding landscape, there is much to explore and discover at Stonehenge. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the best things to do and see in Stonehenge to help you make the most of your visit.

  1. Observe the Stones

The Stonehenge standing stones are awe-inspiring, and it remains a mystery how they got there and the purpose of their arrangement. The stones stand tall, ranging from 13 to 30 feet in height and weigh, on average, 25 tons. Make sure to take a closer look at the intricate stone arrangements and disabled access allows for a closer view than ever before. The stones alignment has a relationship to the annual calendar that still baffles archaeologists today. However, it is widely believed they were erected around 2500 BC.

  1. The Stonehenge Visitor Centre

The Stonehenge visitor centre offers excellent insight into the history and mystery that surrounds the stones. The tour includes a display of artefacts and interactive exhibitions of the monument’s journey through time. This is a perfect attraction for those that want a closer look into the science and history of one of the world’s most iconic landmarks. The visitor centre also offers the chance to dine and refresh at a variety of cafes and restaurants.

  1. Visit Avebury Stone Circle

Just a short drive from Stonehenge, the ancient Avebury stone circle is another impressive stone monument not to be missed. The stones arrangement of the standing stones in a larger circle is surrounded by a beautiful village, which is great for exploring. It is the largest stone circle in the world and added to the Unesco World Heritage site in 1986.

  1. Witness the Sunrise or Sunset

Stonehenge is famous for its alignment to the sun and moon, which makes it a breathtaking sight to behold at sunrise or sunset. A fantastic experience would be to pack a picnic and witness the world-renowned monument during the most beautiful times of the day. Access outside of normal business hours is provided regularly for sunrise and sunset viewing, and visitors should book in advance.

  1. Walk the Area

The surrounding landscape of Stonehenge provides a stunning view of its surroundings. The area is home to a variety of wildlife, making it a perfect destination for summertime walks on the surrounding footpaths. Visitor’s can take a guided tour or do their itinerary to experience the beauty of Stonehenge and its surrounding timeless landscape.


Stonehenge is an authentic historical site that gives visitors insight into how our ancestors observed the world around them. Its mystical wonderment, legendary stones, and natural surroundings speak volumes of its journey through time and place in our history. A visit to Stonehenge is an unforgettable experience that should be on every traveller’s bucket list, so book your next trip and embark on a journey of discovery to witness one of the world’s most beloved and mysterious attractions.