Mont Saint Michel is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and enchanting landmarks in France. This magnificent island Abbey, situated in the Normandy region, lures visitors from all over the world with its majestic beauty, rich history, and grandeur. This incredible structure has been a religious pilgrimage site for over a thousand years and has now become a popular tourist destination. But what makes Mont Saint Michel so fascinating? Join me on a virtual tour as we explore all that Mont Saint Michel has to offer.

History and Culture

Mont Saint Michel has a rich history that dates back to the 8th century when it was founded by Bishop Aubert of Avranches. Legend has it that the bishop was visited by Archangel Michael in his sleep and ordered him to build a church on the rock. Over the centuries, the island became known for its defence and developed into a pilgrimage site, attracting visitors from across Europe. Today, the Abbey mostly welcomes tourists, and the island is a testament to its spiritual past.


The Gothic-style architecture of Mont Saint Michel, especially the Abbey, is awe-inspiring. Perched at the highest point of the island, the Abbey’s striking silhouette stands against the backdrop of the sky, creating an almost surreal scene. Visitors can take a guided tour that unveils the history, architecture, and some of the mysteries of the Abbey. Walking through the Abbey cloisters and soaking in the impressive views of the vast ocean is an experience worth cherishing.


French cuisine is among the most celebrated globally, and the Normandy region has a host of its unique dishes and delicacies. Fresh seafood, mouth-watering crepes, and delicious cider produced using apples grown in the region are some of the local delights visitors can enjoy on the island. Foodies can dine in one of the several Michelin-starred restaurants on the island, pick up some traditional pastries from one of the students at the island’s patisserie school, or just grab a quick bite from one of the many cafes lining the streets.


Despite being a small island, Mont Saint Michel packs a punch in terms of entertainment. Aside from exploring the Abbey and sampling regional dishes, visitors can take a horse-drawn carriage tour of the island, kayak in the nearby river, or partake in a guided tour of the surrounding bay. The island, buzzing with activity, also features live music performances and regular light shows that culminate with a stunning fireworks display.


Mont Saint Michel is a captivating destination for travellers and an intimate insight into the rich history and culture of Normandy. With its beautiful architecture, fantastic cuisine, and a host of activities for all ages, this island is a must-visit. To enhance your experience, stay in one of the many charming hotels on the island or in nearby towns. Regardless of your interests, Mont Saint Michel has something special to offer everyone and creates an unforgettable experience not to be missed.